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Proton Pump Inhibitors

Millions of Americans suffer discomfort and other problems related to the production of stomach acid.  Acids are produced through tiny pumps in the stomach to help digest foods.  When too much acid is produced or acid enters other parts of the body, like the esophagus, conditions such as heartburn and ulcers can result.

Recently, a new class of medications to treat acid discomfort has appeared on the market.  Known as proton pump inhibitors or PPIs, these highly-effective drugs are among the strongest and most commonly prescribed medications to reduce stomach acid levels.  Well-known PPI medications include Prevacid (lansoprazole), Prilosec (omeprazole), and Nexium (esomeprazole).  They are often recommended for patients who have ulcers in the stomach or duodenum, or for patients who have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or “acid reflux.”

Because PPIs are heavily marketed, many people purchase and use them for mild, occasional cases of heartburn.  Although the medications effectively alleviate acid discomfort, they were designed to treat much more severe conditions and are considered to be far stronger than needed for mild stomach and esophageal acid conditions.

Prolonged PPI use has been linked to a number of increased health risks, including damage to the kidneys such as chronic kidney disease and acute kidney failure.  

If you or a love one has been injured by the use of PPIs, Zonies Law may be able to help.

3900 E. Mexico Ave.
Suite 300

Denver | Colorado 80210
Toll Free: 1.866.730.6438
Telephone: 720.464.5300

Facsimile: 720.464.5357
E-mail: info@zonieslaw.com